VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – “Too busy to cook? Or just plain tired of cooking? Or do you need a night out?” asks Brad Edin, one of the chefs cooking up a storm for anyone who wants to stop by the Picnic Shelter in Chautauqua Park on Thursday, August 15th for a hamburger or hot dog meal with all the trimmings. That includes 7 layer salad, watermelon, dessert and a beverage. Feel free to stop in for supper and eat at the park or stop by, pick up your supper and dash home
to your family. Everyone is welcome. There will be a free will offering.
It’s also be a chance to meet the District 24 Democratic-NPL candidates for the state legislature (Pete Gjovik, Nancy Farnham and Shawn Olauson) and share your views of needs you think are important for Barnes County and the state of North Dakota.