
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Civil Air Patrol pilots gave a few Valley City students a plane ride, and for some it was their first ride in a plane.

Jessica Enstad, K-6 STEAM Teacher/ Library Media Specialist, STEAM After School Program, and Elementary Robotics Coach for Valley City Public Schools said she wanted to give her students a new experience and possibly spur their passion for a career in aviation.

One of those students was Riley Gray, she talked about those anxious moments she experienced before her plane ride.

And Chance Ronsberg talked about the thrill of flying the plane once it was in the air.

Jessica Enstad said thanks to the Civil Air Patrol pilots of Jon Owen, Erik Hasse, Brad Cruff, and Nathan Sayler for giving their time to our students for a few lessons and a plane ride.

Civil Air Patrol Plane Ride