
Oakes, ND (NewsDakota.com) – LaMoure Post 19 got an early jump on Oakes Post 36 to win 10-6. LaMoure would score 10 runs in the first 3 innings clinching their victory.

The game started with LaMoure scoring 4 runs on 4 hits and 2 errors of which 2 were earned. Oakes would respond by scoring 2 runs off of a hit in their half of the first to cut the lead to 4-2. No one would score in the 2nd but LaMoure would hit around in the 3rd to get 6 runs of which only 2 would be earned runs. Oakes would be plagued by 3 errors in the inning allowing the runs. The dyke would be plugged by Jace Fyre who came in relief striking out his first batter he face off of 3 eephus pitches.

The Tornadoes wouldn’t score 2 more runs in their half of the 3rd to make it 10-4.

Oakes would score another run on the 4th inning off of a hit and an error and another run in the 6th off of 2 hits. The final score would be 10-6.

The winning pitcher was Mason Warken going 4 innings pitched allowing 4 hits, 6 walks, and 5 runs of which 4 were earned while striking out 4. The loss would go to Michael Hoistad going 2.2 innings pitched while giving up 4 hits, 1 walk, and 10 runs of which only 4 were earned while striking out 6.

The Bank North Player of the Game was Jace Fyre who went 4.1 innings pitched giving up 1 hit and 2 walks while striking out 4.

The District 7 Tournament starts on Monday July 22nd in Oakes. You can hear all Oakes, LaMoure, Lisbon, and Edgeley games on KDDR The Tornado.

Box Score

Total game time – 1:53