VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Barnes County 4-H Achievement Days wrapped up with 45 active 4-Hers showing animals and static exhibits at the North Dakota Winter show Event Center July 8-11th.
On Monday, July 8, there were 444 static exhibits shown. Twenty-seven judges and judge helpers assigned blue, red, white or Cloverbud ribbons. The judges also chose Grand and Reserve champions as well as medal winners. Those winning best of show were allowed to enter the Premium Sale. This is a faux auction sale during which business owners and families show monetary support for the 4-Her’s project.
Tuesday, July 9, youth gathered for a Consumer Decision Making Contest (CDM). Consumer Decision making teaches youth how to make decisions based on information that they have studied and on facts collected. This contest helps youth practice making decisions by matching their knowledge, skills and abilities against those of others. CDM was followed by the Pets Project Area being judged. Small animals included cats and dogs. 4-Hers were quizzed by the judge on how they care for their animals, basic anatomy, and breed characteristics. The dog show rounded out the day. The dog show consisted of dog obedience, dog showmanship and dog rally competitions. During obedience the 4-Her
commands their dog to do a series of actions demonstrating obedience. During dog showmanship youth must explain to the judge their knowledge of the breed and be able to display their dog’s breed characteristics. Rally is a dog sport competition during which the dog and trainer proceed around a course of designated stations in the heel position.
On Wednesday, July 10, 4-H’ers participated in a Sewing and Textiles Contest, Project Expo Contest and a Poultry and Rabbit Show. The purpose of the 4-H Clothing Revue contest is to help youth to build self-confidence and poise; make and model a garment that is needed in the wardrobe; and share knowledge and skill learned through 4-H Constructed Clothing Revue participation with others. The Project Expo Contest provides youth with experience in planning, preparing and displaying an article or an educational exhibit. Project Expo provides the opportunity to share with others what has been learned in the specific project. The member selects and researches a topic, and they prepare an exhibit for display from this project. The 4-Hers must be able to explain in depth how they care for their animals as
well as understanding the breeds, anatomy, and showmanship associated with their particular animal.
The livestock show took place in the North Dakota Winter Show Arena on Thursday, July 11. Animals included goats,
sheep, swine, dairy and beef cattle. The final event of the livestock show is called the Round Robin. During this competition, 4-Hers who received grand and reserve champion compete against each other for best showman for all species.
Susan Milender, NDSU Extension Educator for Barnes County, states that 2024 Achievement Days was successful due to the time, energy and support of leaders, volunteers, families as well as those who supported 4-Hers by purchasing their projects, and the project, medal, and ribbon sponsors. 4-H is a positive youth development organization lead by volunteers and supported by NDSU Extension. For more information about 4-H, contact NDSU Extension-Barnes County at 845.8528.