VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Sheyenne Valley Special Education Unit is excited to announce the appointment of Jennifer Pecoraro as their new Director of Special Education. Jennifer brings with her ten years of experience in the Special Education field, including two years as a Professional Development Trainer and Behavior Intervention Specialist. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership through the University of North Dakota.
Jennifer’s husband is an alumnus of Valley City State University, and their love for Valley City has prompted their move as a family from Florida to North Dakota. Jennifer holds a bachelor’s degree in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication from the University of Central Florida, a Master’s Degree in Special Education, and an Autism Spectrum Disorder endorsement.
Sheyenne Valley Special Education Unit services approximately 259 students with special education needs (ages 3-21) in five area school districts: Barnes County North, Hope-Page, Maple River, Oakes, and Valley City.
Jennifer Pecoraro will replace Andrea Johnson as director for Sheyenne Valley Special Education Unit beginning July 1, 2024. Ms. Johnson has worked in the field of special education for the past 17 years, the past year as Director of Special Education for SVSEU. Ms. Johnson will assume the role of Co-Director of Special Education for the South Valley and Rural Cass Special Education Units on July 1, 2024.