VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Four positions will be on the ballot for Barnes County elected offices in the June 11th primary and again in the November 5th general election. All four are running unopposed.
Barnes County Commission District (1) Michael “Mike” Schwehr is seeking a 4-year-term after current commissioner Cindy Schwehr decided not to seek another term in District (1.)
Barnes County Commissioner Peter “Pete” Paulson is seeking another 4-year-term in District (5.)
Barnes County Auditor Julie Mindt will be on the ballot seeking to fill the unexpired 2-year-term of county auditor.
And Garrison Diversion Conservancy Director Greg Bischoff is seeking another 4-year-term.
The primary election will be held Tuesday, June 11th in the Barnes County Courthouse as well as the November 5th general election. The voting polls are open from 7am to 7pm on election day.