
( – The National Pork Producers Council hosted a policy panel discussion at the 2024 World Pork Expo. Producer leaders and experts highlighted the need to work with both sides of the aisle to support America’s pork producers. Preparing for and preventing foreign animal diseases, navigating the challenges posed by California Proposition 12, increasing market access programs for U.S. pork, and protecting herd health are the key priorities that NPPC has successfully advocated for in the farm bill. “Having a proactive, producer-focused advocacy plan has enabled NPPC to elevate our common interests to impact inclusions in the 2024 House Farm Bill,” says NPPC President Lori Stevermer. Dr. Anna Forseth, NPPC director of animal health, says America’s pork producers continue to face threats from foreign animal diseases like African swine fever. “Farm bill funding can address those risks and help mitigate an outbreak that could lead to billions of dollars in losses,” Forseth says.