VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City High School along with local, county and state emergency first responders provided a re-enactment of a car crash scene involving students on Wednesday, May 1st in the Youth Sports Complex parking lot. The exercise was meant to serve as an awareness event to help students understand the powerful reality of how quickly accidents can happen when it involves distracted or impaired driving.
Valley City High School principal Kristi Brandi said this is an important message for young people any time, but especially as they move into the spring and summer seasons that include prom, graduation, and outdoor parties.
Several students participated in the mock prom crash sending a serious message about the dangers of drinking alcohol and driving.
Members from the Valley City Police Department, Barnes County Sheriff’s Office, Valley City Rural Fire & Rescue Squad, Barnes County Ambulance Emergency Medical Services, 9-1-1 Dispatchers, and the North Dakota Highway Patrol participated and conducted the mock prom crash.