VALLEY CITY, N.D. (LWV) – The League of Women Voters (LWV) announces an evening for voters to meet local candidates in person.
The Barnes County Primary Election Forum will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the Hi-Liner Activity Center (HAC) at Valley City High School. Please use the doors on the corner of 4th Street and 2nd Avenue NW.
LWV volunteers have invited the participation of all the city and county candidates who are on the ballot in Barnes County for the June 11 Primary Election.
Speakers will also present information on a measure regarding legalization of the sale of vapes (e-cigarettes), which has been placed on the ballot by the City of Valley City. Each forum participant will be able to make brief opening and closing statements. A moderator will ask questions that are submitted by the audience.
“With the North Dakota primary election a month away, this is an opportunity for voters to gain first-hand information about who and what will be on the Primary ballot. It’s also an important opportunity for candidates to hear from their prospective constituents on the issues that matter most to them,” said Vicki Voldal Rosenau, one of the volunteers.
The Valley City Area Chamber of Commerce will provide coffee and cookies.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization seeking to guarantee that elections are a secure and reliable representation of citizens making their voices heard. One LWV cornerstone has always been promoting informed civic participation by sharing fair and accurate election information. The league’s online voter guide, VOTE411.org, provides detailed election information.