VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On a balmy 65 degree night over 90 walkers came out to walk the “Jefferson Mile” to support hungry people across the globe on Wednesday, April 24th. They were learning about hunger, advocating for the support of hungry people and raising money to help people in need here in Barnes County and across the world.
The ecumenical Hunger Walk included Connect Church, Faith Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, Our Saviors Lutheran, Epworth Methodist, the Congregational Church and a number of individuals. Many were confirmation students from these churches who were surprised that even in North Dakota we have hunger with 1 in 13 children facing hunger in our state.
This past year the Barnes County Food Pantry served over 2,200 individuals, spending over $95,000 to purchase food and supplies for the food boxes they give out. Up to 783 million people worldwide are facing chronic hunger. That means one in 10 people are not consuming enough food to lead an active healthy life.
The Barnes County Food Pantry will receive 15% of the funds, with 5% going to both the VCSU Food Pantry and the VCHS Food Pantry. The remainder will go to Church World Service for world hunger like the people in Gaza are now facing.
If anyone would like to donate to the CROP WALK for HUNGER they are invited to drop their donation off at any of the listed churches.
Over 90 kids and adults participated in the 43rd annual CROP WALK for HUNGER.
Pic of all the walkers
Faith Lutheran’s booth explained how growing vegetables is important in third world countries and how Church World Service/CROP gives out gardening tools and seeds to those in need.
Our Saviors Lutheran Church gave CROP walkers a drink of clean water reminding walkers that people in developing countries walk about 4 miles to get their water.
Many CROP walkers signed a letter written to our ND Congressmen asking them to fully fund the SNAP (Food Stamp) program.
Congregational and Epworth Churches reminded walkers that war is one of the biggest reasons there is hunger as they gave out fresh clementines and bananas, thanks to a generous donation from Thrivent.
Trinity Lutheran discussed the link between good nutrition and good vision for us in the USA and in developing countries.