VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City Public Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson made a recommendation to freeze the annual raises of administrators in the upcoming school year. He had one exception, $3,000 increase for the Business Manger next year. The school board unanimously approved of the motion to freeze administrators salaries for the 2024-2025 school year.
During the school board meeting, Activities Director Rob Hunt had three recommendations for three girl related activities. One of those was to disband the cheer team in the upcoming school year.
The school board unanimously approved the recommendations to disband the girls cheer team, discontinue funding the Valley City Hi-Lites Dance and to seek a co-op with Jamestown for girls gymnastics. Hunt said this action doesn’t violate Title IX rules. He said the district is in full compliance with Title IX for all state sponsored boys and girls sporting activities.