VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Due to a projected enrollment decline of more than 30 students in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year for the Valley City Public School District, the school board approved of a Reduction-in-Force motion on a 4 to one vote on April 10th. Board member Phil Hatcher was the lone vote against the motion.
Before the vote, Superintendent Josh Johnson gave the board members the updated financial report.
Following that report, Johnson gave the board this recommendation on the Reduction-in-Force staff member.
Valley City School Board president Ryan Mathias said the board has been facing some tough decisions as they work to reduce the projected district budget deficit.
Johnson talked about the hearing process for the staff member who is facing the Reduction-in-Force cut.
Business manager Jackie Cordie said our Elementary Art Teacher resigned, and the board voted and approved to not fill that position, we are instead creating a K-6 Librarian/Media Specialist/STEAM position and Jessica Enstad transferred into that position. Our Band Director resigned, and we are combing the position into a Choir/Band Director position.
The board approved the Agreement to Reduction-In-Force Non-Renewal for three elementary teaching positions. At the April 10th special school board meeting the board approved, based on the need of the school district and declining enrollment, to eliminate one 7-12 English position and instructed the Superintendent to identify the individual for the Reduction-In-Force.
Cordie said we are projecting deficit spending for 2023-24 approximately $644,000. She said we know we have more expense coming in this year then remaining revenue. So far this year, we have collected 83% of the budgeted revenue and only 72% of the budgeted expenses.
As we carry on through the remainder of the year, the surplus/deficit number will go down, which directly effects the beginning fund balance for 2024-25. However, we are still working through the 2024-25 budget, so we do not have the estimated property tax valuation to calculate our local revenue so we know that could adjust up or down and we are continually looking at the expense lines. The latest financial report is attached below.