VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Barnes County will celebrate National County Government Month during the month of April to showcase how the county achieves healthy, safe and vibrant communities.
The theme for this year’s celebration of National County Government Month is Forward Together. The theme highlights the powerful role of county governments as intergovernmental partners that: Connect, building bridges to advance excellence and networks in county government Inspire, driving community engagement and residents’ trust in county government, and
Lead, spearheading local, state, federal and tribal intergovernmental partnerships and common-sense policy solutions.
This year, Barnes County celebrates National County Government Month during the week of April 15th through April 19th with self-guided tours of Barnes County’s Courthouse, and the return of the popular “Barnes County Walking Tacos and Ice Cream Floats Day will be held April 16, 2024 serving from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All are welcome. Free of Charge.
Barnes County is proud of the programs and services we provide to our residents. This month we celebrate the ways our government connects, inspires and leads every day – within our community and in collaboration with our state and federal partners. We encourage all county residents to participate in National County Government Month outreach events to learn about the important role of county government.”