VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Saturday wind was really something, Even the big garbage cans were blowing around let alone the amount of sand in the air. The good news is, “Spring may have sprung”.
Since the weather is more spring-like and streets are clear, more kids are in the streets and alleys along with walkers, joggers and bikers. Along with that, we sometimes drive faster than we realize on streets and alleys so please drive prudently, thank you. Oh, while on the driving subject, please remember when the “STOP” signs on school buses are extended, it means “STOP”, not just slow down. It is to protect our youth and it is “THE LAW”. Please obey and be careful.
It was exciting to see Grant Nelson from Devils Lake playing for the University of Alabama in the men’s “Final Four” last week. Jeff Boschee from Valley City played for University of Kansas and is the only other North Dakotan to have played in the men’s Final Four.
Congratulations to former State Senator Larry Robinson as the VCSU Center for the Arts is now the “Larry Robinson Center for the Arts.” Very deserving, thank you for your many positive contributions to North Dakota, District 24, Valley City and VCSU.
Remember, for your garbage to be picked up, the wheels and the handle need to be towards your lot/house.
Clean-up Week: May 14 through May 18. Materials must be sorted into piles and do NOT put piles out until after your previous week’s pick-up. For further information, please call 701-845-0314.
Live so when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.” ~ H. Jackson Brown. Jr.
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.