Future look once project is completed
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (VCPS) – Since the beginning of this school year, students, staff, and parents have been busy leading an effort to raise $300,000 dollars for the playground at Jefferson Elementary. The playground project, which was spearheaded by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), was created to improve the surfaces, safety, and accessibility of the playground for children of all ages.
To date, the PTO organization has fundraised over $250,000 and will be continuing efforts this spring to meet its fundraising goal by the end of this school year. Please click on the link below for more information from the Jefferson PTO highlighting the playground project.
On Friday, April 5th, the school board approved construction bids for this project including concrete, aggregate/excavation, rubber mulch, and field turf. More information will be forthcoming about the timelines and estimated completion dates for this upcoming project at Jefferson Elementary.