VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Attention! Watch for a significant news release forth coming from Valley City State University!
As one of our pastors said “God Changes Plans! Sue and I planned a trip to Sparks, NV for a few days of visiting. Considering days available, flights, times and fares, planning was challenging; plans were changed. Funny thing, instead of traveling home Good Friday, a text from the airline informed us our flight was delayed causing us to wait another day; plans were changed. So we thought getting home was a strong possibility, it was just going to take awhile; and it did! 🙂
Mentioning changes, how about our snowfall forecast last weekend? As I recall, there were amounts forecast upwards of 17 inches though many fewer were realized. Plans were changed and it sure made clean-up for homeowners and city workers easier; we can be grateful.
We visited Virginia City, an old west mining town 6148 feet up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There are numerous historical buildings, abandoned mines shafts and machinery with interesting stories to be told. The small town reminded me of Medora as they are both great tourist destinations. They are both worth the visit so this year invest some time and visit our North Dakota Year Round Treasure, Medora.
It was fun seeing Grant Nelson from Devils Lake play well for Alabama in the NCAA Tournament, especially his contributions in defeating North Carolina. He also played at Valley City High School a number of times making it enjoyable for those who saw him play then. There were a number of North Dakota gals and guys who played in this year’s NCAA Basketball Tournaments; research them.
Would you like to feel better, improve your health, reduce stress and anxiety? Try walking just 20-30 minutes a day, you will be surprised 🙂
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.