
BISMARCK, N.D. (PPR) – The state committee of the North Dakota Republican Party has approved a new anti-abortion resolution that will be voted on at the state GOP convention next week in Fargo.

Sources have said the resolution would call for the outlawing of all abortions – and would provide for criminal charges against a woman who has an abortion, as well as “co-conspirators,” for the woman who has the abortion.

Edinburgh Republican Senator Janne Myrdal is the author of the state’s current abortion law. She says when Roe v Wade was overturned, abortions ceased in the state, with the one clinic moving across the Red River to Moorhead.  She says she didn’t know anything about the proposed resolution before it was brought forward.

Myrdal says there are other parts of the resolution she has issues with. But she says at this time, it is just a resolution.

The resolution will be on the convention’s first day. The State North Dakota GOP Convention will be held Friday, April 5th and Saturday, April 6th in Fargo.