BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Law enforcement agencies throughout North Dakota took part in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign from December 15, 2023, through January 31, 2024, aimed at deterring motorists from driving impaired.
During this enforcement period, authorities issued a total of 147 alcohol or drug-related citations, with a notable 92 driving under the influence (DUI) arrests. Among the alcohol-related charges were 40 arrests or citations for minor in consumption, minor in possession, and open container violations. Additionally, 15 drug-related arrests were made.
Statistics from 2022 revealed that alcohol played a role in nearly 37% of motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota. Authorities stress that alcohol and drug-related crashes, fatalities, and arrests are entirely preventable. They emphasize that each driver and vehicle occupant bears the responsibility to contribute to the state’s goal of achieving zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries. This includes wearing seat belts, ensuring children are secured in appropriate child passenger safety seats, driving without distractions, driving while sober, and adhering to posted speed limits.
The high-visibility enforcement for traffic safety stands as a critical component of a broader collaborative effort aimed at eliminating vehicle deaths in North Dakota. Authorities continue to underscore the importance of individual accountability and collective action in creating safer roadways for all.