VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City Public Works will begin snow removal with emergency routes and hills.
Residential snow removal will begin once emergency routes have been completed, Valley City Public Works will begin residential snow removal in the SOUTHWEST quadrant of town and move clockwise through the Northwest, Northeast & Southeast quadrants of town.
Plows will park at 4pm 2/27/24, and resume work with wind rowing downtown & school zones at 1200am 2/28/24.
Residential snow removal with continue upon the completion of the downtown & school zones.
Work is expected to last through the day 2/28/24 and into 2/29/24.
VCPW is suspending residential garbage pickup Tuesday 2/27/24. Garbage pickup will resume Wednesday 2/28/24. Tuesday garbage will be picked up Wednesday, Wednesday garbage will be picked up Thursday, and Thursday garbage will be picked up Friday. Commercial garbage will continue to be picked up as normal as weather allows.