
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The mass shootings in our country are horrific.  Let’s all just do the right things and pray for those who are grieving.

The North Dakota High School Activities (NDHSAA) held its State Wrestling Tournament at the FARGODOME last week.  It was a cozy setting of eight mats with great seating and sight lines all around.  Over 300 wrestlers, numerous coaches and table workers on the floor together can be chaotic at times. While wrestling is one of the most physically demanding sports in which one can compete, the numbers of high school girls competing continues to rise as is the quality of their wrestling.  Welcome and good job girls. As with all competitions, emotions come into play too.  The mental preparation, physical conditioning and the exertion of the match itself, bring about an “explosion” of emotions for both wrestlers, “The thrill of victory & the agony of defeat” (Jim McKay, ABC).  Tears are common for both boys and girls as they “leave it all on the mat”.  Congratulations to all. Tournament managers make the event happen, coaches build the programs and referees provide order to the matches.  Thank you everybody.

It was a real pleasure for me to be there as it became a reunion of sort too.  I was Blessed to visit with a number of people I hadn’t see in thirty-plus years, it was wonderful.  When an “old friend” comes to mind,  take a minute to call or text, it could turnout to be the best part of your day along with hers/his.

The weather has been great for walking, jogging and Biking which often doesn’t happen this time of the year, be sure to enjoy the nice weather while it is here.

Remember pets come with responsibilities, please pick-up their “you-know-what”.  Thank you.

Ethics is knowing what is right and integrity is doing what is right when know one is watching”.”   ~ Annonymous 

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud