
BISMARCK, N.D. (NDID) – Preliminary data shows North Dakota saw a slight decrease in fires from 2023 compared to 2022.

North Dakota fire departments reported 2,615 total fires in 2023, compared to 2,727 in 2022, a four-percent decrease. Structures saw the most fires, with 781 reported incidents, followed by natural vegetation at 676. Eight fatalities were reported due to fires in North Dakota in 2023.

Fire-related losses amounted to $33 million in 2023, with $48.6 million reported in 2022.

“Our goals for 2024 are to continue serving fire departments and districts, who, in turn, serve their residents,” said State Fire Marshal Doug Nelson. “It takes a village to prevent fires from occurring, and we’re working to take a comprehensive approach to tackling this issue. Promoting fire education, safer infrastructure and adherence to fire laws and codes will help improve these numbers.”

“While a slight decrease is a step in the right direction, it underscores the hard work local fire departments and districts have and continue to do to educate communities and mitigate fire risks. Firefighters across the state, most of them volunteer, give so much of themselves to create safer communities. An investment into the fire service is one the most critical ones we can make,” said North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread.

North Dakota has 360 fire departments and districts as of Jan. 1, 2024. Fire departments are required to report fires to the Office of the State Fire Marshal within 30 days of occurrence. Finalized data will be released by September.