BISMARCK, N.D. (Vision Zero) – Preliminary data shows more than half of fatal crashes in North Dakota in 2023 were lane departure-related. Lane departure continues to be a leading cause of fatal crashes in North Dakota.
Vision Zero reminds drivers to stay in their lane to reduce vehicle crashes and fatalities. Single-vehicle lane departure is the most common type of crash resulting in serious injuries in rural areas in North Dakota. A lane departure crash occurs after a vehicle crosses an edge line, a center line or otherwise leaves the traveled way. Crashes of this type are generally very serious because they often happen at relatively high speeds.
Enhanced safety features proven to reduce these types of crashes continue to be implemented on roads across the state. These features include longitudinal delineators, curved warning signs, cable median barriers and edge and center-line rumble strips.
All North Dakota drivers and vehicle occupants can take personal responsibility when traveling by always wearing a seat belt, using appropriate child passenger safety seats, following all posted speed limits and driving sober and distraction-free.
Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.