LITCHVILLE-MARION, N.D. – This past December of 2023, BankNorth made a generous contribution to the Litchville-Marion School building project. The gift is another convincing demonstration of BankNorth’s positive impact on the communities it serves. “The directors and employees of the bank are very proud to support this ambitious project,” said LaMoure Branch Senior Vice-President, Brent Thielges. “The building will enhance opportunities for students and the community for decades to come.”
After the vote passed in 2022 to proceed with a building addition and renovation of the current high school, BankNorth saw the potential to participate in the growth and improvements of the community. The project will bring all students in the district, PK-12, into one building, but it will also be one of the first public schools in the state to offer onsite daycare to the surrounding community. “This project was the perfect opportunity for BankNorth to make a positive difference in our community,” said LaMoure Branch President, Vince Watkins.
As building plans solidified, the school recognized a few projects that could be accomplished more economically through fundraising, so they sent out a call for support to area businesses and long-distance alumni. BankNorth stepped up immediately. “I had a call right away asking when they could get a tour,” recalls LM Superintendent Tom Nitschke.
The $100,000 gift from BankNorth will be put towards updates to the school gymnasium and theater, which will be completed alongside the other building updates and ready for the first day of school in August 2024. “We hope our gift can inspire others to support and contribute to the growth that Litchville-Marion is experiencing,” said Watkins.
If you are interested in partnering with Litchville-Marion to help them meet fundraising goals for the new gym or playground, contact Sarah Gackle at sarah.gackle@k12.nd.us.
More details on the projects and how to donate can be found on the school website litchville-marion.k12.nd.us/page/foundation