JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JPD) – On January 11, 2024, at approximately 1906 hrs., Jamestown Police Officers were dispatched to a residence in northwest Jamestown, on a report of an intoxicated male screaming and breaking things inside a residence. Other family members were inside and were concerned, as they reported multiple weapons were also inside the residence. Officers arrived and were able to calm the intoxicated male using de-escalation techniques. Officers left the residence, as the male had calmed down, appeared rational, and agreed to remain calm.
Officers were called back to the residence a short time later, as the male became irrational and self-injurious. The male began threatening officers and stated he wanted to fight officers. Mental Health services were offered and utilized by the intoxicated male, while officers continued to use de-escalation techniques. A safety plan was developed and implemented for the intoxicated male, by a mental health professional. The intoxicated male voluntarily left the
residence as part of the safety plan.
At 2241 hrs., Officers were dispatched to the Corner Bar, as a bartender was asking for Police assistance in dealing with a confrontational patron. Upon arrival, officers were requested to remove the intoxicated patron from the bar, as the bar staff did not want him there. Officers recognized the confrontational patron as the same individual who had been involved in the earlier incident in northwest Jamestown. The male clearly disregarded his safety plan and was very confrontational. The male was advised to leave the bar numerous times by officers, but he refused.
At 2254 hrs., Officers placed the intoxicated male under arrest for Criminal Trespassing. The male subject actively resisted officers. Officers had to use physical force to take the intoxicated male into custody. As the subject fought with officers, one officer and the arrested party sustained minor injuries.
The male suspect was identified as 45-year-old Justin James Simmons of Jamestown. Simmons was arrested on suspicion of Criminal Trespassing and Preventing Arrest. Due to his intoxication, behavior, and injuries, Simmons was transported to Jamestown Regional Medical Center for medical evaluation. After the evaluation was complete, Simmons was taken to Stutsman County Corrections for further processing of the criminal charges he was arrested on.
The injured Jamestown Police Officer did not require medical treatment for his injuries, at this time.