VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Community Band and the Valley Voices Woman’s Choir would like to invite people to consider joining for the spring semester of 2024. Both groups are administered through the Bridges Arts Council who oversees operations for the Community School of the Arts. The Bridges Arts Council is a
nonprofit that serves to bring arts/cultural opportunities to the Valley City and Barnes County region.
Those interested in performing the Valley City Community Band should reach out to either the Valley City Community Band Director, Rochelle Jimenez, by emailing her at valleycitycommunityband@gmail.com or by emailing the Community School of the Arts Director, Nick Lee, at administrator@bridgesarts.org or by calling/texting 701-840-6182.
For those who are interested in registering for the Valley City Community Band can fill out the online form (https://forms.office.com/r/462uWQKALw) or a paper form at a rehearsal.
The VCCB rehearses on Thursday nights at 6:30pm in the band room in the new Center for the Fine Arts on the campus of Valley City State University. The cost to participate in the Community Band is $35 per semester.
Those interested in performing with the Valley Voices Woman’s Choir are welcome to come to the first rehearsal, Tuesday January 16th from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the choir room in the Center for the Fine Arts Building on the campus of Valley City State University. Interested singers can fill out a OneDrive Registration form(https://forms.office.com/r/CHhAs85uKn) or paper registration forms at the first rehearsal. The cost to participate in the choir is $35 for the semester. Fees can be paid with cash, check, or credit card at the first rehearsal.
For more information regarding rehearsals, music performed, or questions about Valley Voices please reach out to Valley Voices Director, Victoria Hammel, via email at victoria.hammel@vcsu.edu. If you have general questions about the Community School of the Arts, please email Nick Lee, CSA Administrator, at administrator@bridgesarts.org or by
calling or texting 701.840.6182.