VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Public School District and Barnes County reached a resolution to rectify the school district’s building fund tax levy over levy issue. That resolution was finalized by the school board during a special board meeting on Friday, January 5th.
Valley City Public Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson said the school district worked with their legal counsel and Barnes County officials to determine the correct legal process to refund taxpayers for a portion of the building fund tax levy correctly.
School board president Ryan Mathias made this comment about the over levy issue during their regular board meeting last month.
Under the resolution, the school district will repay Barnes County taxpayers a total of $569,000 dollars over levied over a four-year period from 2019 through 2022.
In the agreement, the county would issue refund checks back to taxpayers and the school district will pay $2,000 for the postage of the refund checks.
Barnes County Interim Auditor Julie Mindt said the estimate time frame for issuing the refund checks back to taxpayers should be sometime in March of 2024.