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VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The winter ice storm is causing headaches for nearly everyone on Tuesday, December 26th.
The Barnes County Sheriff’s office is advising no travel until further notice due to icy roads and downed power lines over the roadway on a few county roads.
Sheriff’s deputies say the roads are so icy it’s a struggle to stay on the roadway even going at a slow rate of speed. Deputies are reporting several downed trees and power lines in southern Barnes County along with a number of communities and rural residents without power.
Other deputies are warning residents that railroad crossing arms are malfunctioning due to a heavy ice coating from the storm on the mechanical arms at rail crossings.
A county plow trying to treat the roadway west of Valley City slid off the road and into the ditch. So far, no serious injuries have been reported in Barnes County.