(NAFB.com) – The National Corn Growers Association announced the winners of the 2023 National Corn Yield Contest. The group of farmers had impressive yields and proved the ingenuity and resilience of U.S. farmers. In its 59th year, the National Corn Yield Contest saw almost 7,000 entries from farmers in 46 states. Of the 10 production categories, Class J had verified yields averaging 269 bushels an acre. The yields included a national record of 623.8 bushels per acre from David Hula of Virginia, beating the previous record of 619.1 bushels per acre. “Year after year, the National Corn Yield Contest remains the most popular program for NCGA members,” says Harold Wolle, NCGA president. “It’s an opportunity for farmers across the country to put their skills to the test and show the true craftsmanship it takes to grow a successful crop.” A complete list of the 2023 National and State winners is available at ncga.com.