CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Representatives from Vision Zero, along with school administrators and the Carrington Police Department, welcomed Carrington as a Vision Zero School at a school assembly on Friday, December 8th.
Five student leaders who are featured in a traffic safety banner and public service announcements (PSAs), picked Buckle Up, Phone Down as their safety emphasis. Buckle Up, Phone Down focuses on wearing seat belts and driving distraction-free. Students showcased the banner and PSAs at the assembly with school administrators.
“Vision Zero will positively impact our students by giving them ownership and leadership of a quality program that will teach them quality and effective life lessons,” said Carrington Principal Connor Weber. “Student run organizations and programs such as Vision Zero are important aspects to a quality educational experience, and being able to support bringing a great program like Vision Zero to our schools was an easy decision.
Carrington is the latest school to join Vision Zero Schools in 2023. Oakes, Des Lacs-Burlington, Killdeer, Cando and Wing were added to the list earlier this year.
Schools interested in participating in Vision Zero Schools should contact the NDDOT Safety Public Information Program Manager at lwahlman@nd.gov.
Learn more about the Vision Zero strategy and its traffic safety campaigns at VisionZero.ND.gov.