(ND Ag Connection) – The 2023 North Dakota State University Variety Trial Results and Selection Guides for key grains such as Hard Red Spring Wheat, Durum Wheat, and Barley-Oat-Rye are now accessible.
Farmers and agronomists can find these comprehensive guides online at ndsu.ag/varietytrials23 or through printed copies available at NDSU Extension County offices and NDSU Research Extension Centers.
Clair Keene, NDSU Extension agronomist, highlights the importance of these guides. They provide an unbiased comparison of commercially available varieties, essential for informed decision-making in grain cultivation. The variety trials are a collaborative effort between NDSU’s Research Extension Centers and small grain breeders, examining the performance of different cultivars across North Dakota’s diverse regions.
This year’s trials revealed notable variations in yields due to regional weather differences. High yields were recorded at the Hettinger REC, while the Langdon REC experienced reduced yields due to drier conditions. These variations underscore the importance of considering multi-year data and multiple locations when selecting varieties.
For spring wheat, Keene emphasizes the significance of Table 6 in the guide, which ranks varieties based on quality. The Wheat Quality Index, introduced in 2021, is a key factor, providing a weighted average of scores for desired flour and dough quality characteristics.
Keene advises growers to select varieties that not only yield well in their specific areas but also have high Wheat Quality Index ratings to ensure premium market quality.
These variety guides serve as a crucial tool for growers, helping them make informed decisions that balance yield potential with quality considerations, tailored to their unique environmental conditions and market demands.