
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Wow, Friday night took much of North Dakota from late fall to winter and gave our snowblowers a workout!  Christmas seems much closer now that there is snow.  However, I was enjoying the warm weather.

If you still have garbage can racks and wish you didn’t, please call 845-0314 to make arrangements  for free pick-up and disposal.

Friday night during the storm, there were a number of electrical “blinks.”  The source seemed to be between Valley City and Western Area Power Association (WAPA.)  Our Electrical Department has been monitoring the transmission flows.  Thanks guys.

Though NOT like the “spring clean-up” program, watch for information about ridding yourselves of excess garbage up to 100 pounds from December 26 to 29 at no charge.

Friday BEFORE the storm, I was privileged to attend class at Jefferson School where the curriculum that day included “Coding.”  I had to ask, “What is Coding?  A definition is: “Coding tells a machine which actions to perform and how to complete tasks.”  The kindergarten through 3rd grade students, with their iPads, partnered to helped each other with programing challenges.  Teachers and students, you all are amazing!  Thanks a bunch for including me.

The new garbage containers and automated pick-up seem to be working well.  Remember, the containers must have three feet of clearance all around them.  Extra garbage will not be picked up, if it doesn’t fit in the container with the lid closed, it will be left.

Neighbors can help each other by sharing when one has extra garbage and the other has room in her/his container.  It might just be fun to visit with your neighbor!

There is always a Blessing in disguise in every situation. Something far greater always comes from moments that test us. Keep going. Keep rising. Keep believing.”                           ~ From a Friend

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud, mayor of Valley City.