
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – We have certainly been Blessed with beautiful late fall weather. A few years ago winter arrived early in October forcing construction to stop. From that, a segment of gravel road all winter on Main by the Rosebud Center. Oh well, that is how we get averages! Enjoy the above average temperatures for a while.

December is a month of celebrations for many. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas are three identified on my calendar. During this time of the year, many homes and businesses have decorative lighting and religious scenes. With the nice weather, more decorations are showing up almost daily, go for a walk or drive and enjoy the beauty.

Light has shown to be a positive therapy for good mental health. While outdoor light is the best, winter days are short, so those of you who have decorative lighting in your yards may be “making someone’s day”. Thank you.

Last week the Valley City – Barnes County Development Corporation (VCBCDC) held its Annual Banquet at the Eagles Club. There was a nice social, a good meal and an informative program. Representatives from Freedom Machine Group and John Deere Seeding Group shared how the VCBCDC helped bring their businesses here and ways it helps retain businesses.

Information about “Community Engagement” opportunities was presented. There are numerous VCBCDC events where help is needed with many of them being fun. Contact Trinity at 701-490-9010 to see if there is something you would like.

We had four power outages in November all caused by, guess what, squirrels! Kudos to Public Power, in spite of the squirrels, our power was “on” 99.9999% of the time. Thank you.

December 21, 2023 the Winter Solstice occurs at 9:27 PM. That means the days will become longer beginning the 22nd, YAY!

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”  ~ Charles M. Schultz

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud, mayor of Valley City.