VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Barnes County Historical Society Lecture Series Season 23 Presents: Peter Gjovik (VCSU EMER.) “Denying Hitler the Atomic Bomb: Norway and the Heavy Water War” 7PM Thursday, November 16th at the Barnes County Museum.
Knut P. Gjovik and his grandson Reed McConaughey recently toured Rjukan and Vermork, Norway in the Telemark region. This steep valley was the location and focus of efforts by the Allies to stop the production and transport of deuterium oxide (heavy water) to Nazi Germany. Deuterium oxide was a critical component of efforts to develop a reactor capable of atomic fission. If the Nazis had been successful in the development of this technology, the war could have had a much different outcome. Stopping production was deemed so important by the Allies that six distinct operations were undertaken to stop manufacture or transport.
The presentation will take place at Barnes County Historical Society at 7:00 pm on November 16–the 80th anniversary of the 8th Air Corps bombing at Rjukan. They will give background on Allied efforts in conjunction with Norwegian SOE operatives to conduct on-site sabotage or bombing of facilities or heavy water output. A recently completed conservation museum stands over the actual remnants of what is now referred to as the “Heavy Water Cellar”.
K. Peder Gjovik, Ph.D, retired in 2020 as an Emeritus Professor from VCSU. His parents and siblings experienced the occupation of the Nazis, and this part of WWII history is a passion. Reed McConnaughey is a sophomore at Valley City High School and is considering history education as a career.
All Lectures are at the Barnes County Historical Society Museum and held in conjunction with Valley City State University. They are free and open to the public.
For more information contact Wes Anderson at 701-845-0966.