VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – I hope you all had fruitful and safe weekend. Usually I have been better prepared for snow, but this year I was still thinking leaf pick up and lawn mowing when the snow ambushed me!
Tuesday is Halloween. Though the weather forecast isn’t the best, there will be people out “Trick or Treating” and driving around so please everyone, be extra careful.
Thank you to Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) for bringing an Area Meeting for North Dakota Municipal Power Cities to Valley City last week. A team of MRES Employees shared information concerning reliable, clean energy, cybersecurity, legislative issues, finance, member services and more.
At the federal legislative level, power transmission and permitting are important issues for us. With wind, solar and other new power generation, more transmission line are needed as they are the “highways” to our homes and businesses. Transmission is expensive though a good investment to offset some power costs. One plan for transmission construction in our region is estimated to be about $10.3 Billion!
Financially MRES is healthy and maintains an Aa2 Moody Investors Service bond rating which also helps keep our power rates competitive. The MRES Customer Service Team is continually researching grants along with providing scholarships and rebates. Research “Bright Energy Solutions” at https://www.
Happy 120th birthday to the Valley City – Barnes County Library and the Carnegie Library Building. Thank you to all the people who have contributed to the well being of both library and building.
When shopping, be sure to visit Chamber Member Stores to find the “buck figurines” and the opportunity to win one of five $100.00 Chamber Buck prizes. For more information, email chamber@valleycitychamber.com
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud, mayor of Valley City.