
The Hi-Liner Cross Country team will be heading to Jamestown Parkhurst Recreational Area for the State Class A meet on Saturday, October 28th. The first race for Class A will feature the Girls 5K at 4:00 pm.

Hi-Liner runners include senior Reagan Berg, juniors Greta Goven and Tricia Pfennig, Sophomore Autumn Anderson, Freshman Cadence Fetsch, and eight grader Brynn Lueck. Berg ran a personal best time of 18:46 in the Varsity Girls 5K to win the EDC Championship, setting a pace 25 seconds faster than her nearest competitor.

 The second race for Class A will feature the boys 5K at 4:45 pm. Hi-Liner runners include senior Corben Golovanoff, junior Trevor Fetsch, freshmen Elijah Drummond & Jack Sorby, and seventh grader Simon Trapp.

The Hi-Liners are coached by Deb Beilke, Trevor Bakalar, and Connor Pfennig. Beilke was acknowledged for her efforts this year as she took home EDC Coach of the year honors.

Results can be found at