
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDDOT) – Preliminary data shows more than half (51%) of crash fatalities in North Dakota in 2023 have been unbelted. To save lives, law enforcement across the state will have extra patrols from Nov. 1 – Dec. 14 for the Click It or Ticket campaign enforcing the state seat belt law.

North Dakota’s seat belt law recently became a primary enforcement, meaning no other violation is required for a driver to be pulled over by law enforcement and issued a seat belt citation. The law also requires all occupants to wear a seat belt, regardless of where they are sitting in the vehicle.

Seat belts are the single most effective safety device to prevent death and injury in a motor vehicle crash. Crash data shows a direct correlation between seat belt use and injury severity. Unbelted vehicle occupants in crashes in North Dakota account for the largest percent of fatalities, while belted occupants most commonly receive non-serious or no injuries.

“Be the example for all your passengers by putting your seat belt on first. Before you leave, make sure everyone in your vehicle is buckled up. It’s the law and it could save your life,” said Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger.

This campaign is part of the Vision Zero strategy to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roadways.

Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.