JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The James Valley Pheasants Forever banquet will be held on Friday, October 27th in the Knights of Columbus, Club 1883 banquet room.
The “cackle hour” starts at 5 pm and dinner will be served at 7 pm. Tickets are $60.00 which includes your Pheasants Forever membership. The cost for current members is $25.00.
James Valley Pheasants Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization founded in 2010 and is part of the national Pheasants Forever organization founded in 1982. Pheasants Forever is dedicated to protecting and enhancing pheasants and other upland wildlife populations through habitat improvement, public awareness, and education.
The banquet will have raffles, games, silent, and live auctions for a wide variety of prizes. The funds raised at our banquet remain under the control of our local chapter to be used for youth projects, and habitat improvement in the James Valley area and to support advocacy efforts on a state and national level.
Tickets are available at the door, from banquet committee members, or online.
Listen to a full interview with Ken McDougall with James Valley Pheasants Forever below…