VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City Parks and Recreation invites the community to a weekend of exciting events on October 20th and 21st. Kick off the festivities on Friday, Oct. 20th at Valley Twin Cinema with a Free Movie sponsored by VCPR and Eagles Club 2192. Catch the film at 2:00 P.M. or 4:00 P.M., with the movie title to be revealed on VCPR’s social media!
On Saturday, October 21st start your day with a Halloween Costume Fun Run/Walk at Chautauqua Park at 9:00 A.M. Registration begins at 8:30 A.M. for the 5k run or walk, and costumes are encouraged. All registrations before October 13th are guaranteed a t-shirt from the event!
Following the Fun Run, the Spooky Spike Showdown Co-Ed Sand Volleyball Tournament takes place at Chautauqua Park at 10:00 A.M., featuring 6 on 6 competition and cash payouts. A minimum of 4 teams is required to host this tournament. If you and your team are interested in participating in the event, your roster must be turned in to amyp@vcparks.com by October 18th.
Simultaneously, the highly anticipated Park-tober Festival unfolds at Chautauqua Park from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Enjoy a Pumpkin Patch (pumpkins for sale), Tractor Pull, Corn Pit, Box Car Rides, Brockopp Brewing, a traveling escape room sponsored by Brockopp Brewing, and more, including a free-will offering soup lunch from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., with proceeds benefiting the Valley City Parks and Recreation Foundation.
“We’re excited to be bringing this Park-tober Festival event to Chautauqua Park,” says Special Events Coordinator, Matt Brandvold. “It’s going to be such a great way for the entire community to come together, enjoy the park, socialize with neighbors, and have a good time soaking in the last of the fall weather! We have a lot of great things going on – pumpkin patch, tractor pull, bounce house, and some delicious food. There’s something for everyone!”
The following Friday, October 27th, is the annual Trunk or Treat event. This year, the event will be held at Chautauqua Park from 5:30 – 7:00 P.M. and will feature business and organization booths with fun and spooky trunk or treat booths! Get your VCPR Trunk or Treat bags at the first stop to fill at each station as you make your way around the loop. Wear your best costume and receive all sorts of prizes and candy! Any business or organization interested in having a FREE booth, please contact Amy at amyp@vcparks.com.
VCPR October Events: Free Movie (10/20), Halloween Costume Fun Run/Walk (10/21), Spooky Spike Showdown Co-Ed Sand Volleyball Tournament (10/21), Park-tober Festival (10/21), and Trunk or Treat (10/27)