Executive Director Beth Jansen
WEST FARGO, N.D. (Bonanzaville) – On October 20th, 21st, 27th and 28th explore the unexplained at Bonanzaville!
Visitors, staff, and volunteers alike report phenomena at Bonanzaville that cannot be easily explained. These tours allow guests to move beyond museum barriers with experienced guides in teams of 6 to 8 and discover for yourself. EMF detectors, infrared temperature readers, and voice boxes are provided for each group. Attendees can also bring in their own approved equipment. This year Midwest Haunts and Paranormal Investigators of North Dakota join Bonanzaville as guides during several sessions. Free drinks and munchies during social hours have been added to the experience, allowing guests to share their findings.
The Cass County North Dakota Historical Society (CCNDHS) is the cultural institution in charge of telling the county’s story, as well as preserving and collecting artifacts connected to the county’s history. CCNDHS owns and operates a museum, event center, and prairie village that sits on twelve acres of land in West Fargo, North Dakota called Bonanzaville. Bonanzaville includes a large main museum, thirty-six historic buildings, a carriage house, a car museum, an air museum, a tractor museum, an agricultural museum, and a law enforcement museum.
Paranormal Investigators of North Dakota include Four women who travel throughout the state to piece together North Dakota history in a unique way. Paranormal Investigators of North Dakota… is what these four women call themselves. As a group, they visit different places and locations in search of ghosts or other energies. The ladies conduct their investigations on Facebook live for all to see and for those who may not be as brave. Midwest Haunts is a two-man paranormal investigating crew that investigate a variety of paranormal hot spots in the Midwest.