FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On October 6th, the North Dakota Highway Patrol and the Sargent County Sheriff’s Office will conduct a sobriety checkpoint at a predetermined location in Sargent County. Following the checkpoint, saturation patrols will occur throughout the weekend.
Impaired driving and impaired driving-related motor vehicle crashes continue to be a threat to the safety of travelers on North Dakota’s roadways. Through September 30th of this year, there have been 70 crashes totaling 80 fatalities in North Dakota.
The planned sobriety checkpoint reflects NDHP’s ongoing efforts to maintain roadway safety by targeting specific times and locations to have a greater impact at reducing impaired driving. The North Dakota Highway Patrol is committed to the Vision Zero strategy which aims to establish a culture of personal responsibility where motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries are recognized as preventable.
Sergeant Nathaniel King stated, “The goal is to remove impaired drivers from the roadway to ensure the safety of the motoring public. Crashes that occur because of driving under the influence are preventable. If you drink, do not drive. Plan ahead and designate a sober driver.”
The North Dakota Highway Patrol reminds all motorists, motorcycle drivers, OHV drivers, and bicyclists to share the road; ensure all occupants are wearing seatbelts; drive distraction-free; and always make the responsible choice to drive sober. Results from this planned enforcement will be released the week following the event.