
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – We surely have  been Blessed with some beautiful fall weather. A few of the days even felt very summer-like.

There seems to be a great number of wasps around this year.  Try a pie-tin with some apple juice or similar with a few drops of dish soap.  Sweet to attract and the soap to kill.

Remember Mental Health Awareness Week in Barnes County is October 8-14.  Valley City Public Schools, City County Health along with others are partnering to bring said awareness to students, parents and community.  There is help for those tough times.

A number of people have commented positively about our Christmas Decorations.  Our Electrical Department has done a wonderful job systematically adding and updating decorations the past few years.  I mention this now as efforts put forth by your Electrical Department were recognized by Missouri River Energy Services (MRES).  The “2023 WattSTAR Award” was presented to Department Head Marshall Senf at MRES “Technology Days ”last week.

MRES Technology Days provided a plethora of educational presentations from “The Next Big Things in Energy Efficiency to Bright Energy Solutions” and networking opportunities for our attendees.

This week, October 2-6, is “National 4-H Week”.  Throughout the week, Barnes County 4-H will showcase many ways 4-H inspires kids.  Through hands-on learning experiences as well as highlighting the remarkable 4-H youth in our communities who work each day making positive impacts on those around them.

The 2nd Avenue NE construction is progressing though slowed some due to last week’s rain.  Curbs and sidewalks are being poured  and if all goes well, there could be some blacktop showing around the 20th.  Yay!

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress: working together is success.”    ~ Henry Ford                       

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City