JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Last week, the Stutsman County Commission held a meeting to discuss the budget. That discussion included salary increases for county employees.
At the meeting, Shannon Davis, Human Services Director, addressed the increases. The commission had previously agreed on a step increase from 2 to 2.5. Davis also discussed the cost of living adjustment of 5 percent.
This spurred a debate about how much of an increase this would actually be. Commissioner Joan Morris stated that between both increases, the overall increase would be 11.5 percent between cost of living and step. Morris said this figured to be a $400,000 increase in current year pay to go from 2 to 2.5.
Commission Jerry Berquist stated that year to date 22 individuals had terminated employment this year and 10 vacant positions currently. He said the county has spent over $230,000 in overtime and had budgeted $185,000 for overtime.
Davis said the county did a market comparison to identify several positions that needed grade changes to bring them to market value. There were 15 positions that will have a grade adjustment to bring to market value. 3 of those positions went up more than 1 grade.
In an email, Morris stated the 3 positions moving up more than 1 grade include the Nurse Supervisor, the Sheriff, and the Human Resource Specialist. As a result of all of the suggested grade changes, the Sheriff’s department alone is currently budgeted to receive an approximately $70,000 increase in salaries for three employees. This increase includes a more than $43,000 per year increase to the Sheriff’s salary.
In an email sent from Jessica Alonge, Stutsman County Auditor, the numbers were shown to see where Stutsman County’s Sheriff’s Salary compares with other Sheriff’s around the state of North Dakota in counties with similar or larger populations.
In 2023, the actual minimum salary for Stutsman County Sheriff is $79,896. The actual maximum is $105,420. The ND median wage for a Sheriff is $110,160. In terms of the minimum salary for sheriff, only Morton County on the list was lower at $73,216. In terms of maximum, Stutsman County was the lowest on the list provided. Morton County was next lowest at $117,145.
Looking at the 2023 actual vs. 2024 budget salary for Stutsman County Sheriff the numbers reflect the increase. The 2023 actual pay is listed at $105,416. The 2014 budgeted pay is $148,525. In terms of the 2023 actual pay, the Stutsman County sheriff’s salary is the lowest on the list of the counties provided. The Stutsman County sheriff has the most years as sheriff of any others on the list provided.
In 2024, the Sheriff’s salary in Stutsman County is listed as $148,525. That is fourth highest on the list provided. The counties that rank higher include Burleigh, Cass, and Williams.
The numbers also listed the 2023 pay scale for Police Chief in major cities around the state. The Stutsman County Sheriff’s salary was compared to those numbers as well. The 2023 annual minimum salary was lower than any of the city’s that were provided. The city of Jamestown police chief pay scale was listed at an annual minimum of $96,468, and an annual maximum of $139,200.
The commission passed the motion to approve the grade changes with Commissioners Klose and Morris voting no.