(NAFB.com) – The Department of Agriculture this week released the 2022 Potatoes Summary. The report presents potato estimates of acreage, yield per acre, production, farm disposition, season average price, value, and utilization of sales, including processing for the 2022 season. All potato production in 2022 totaled 399 million hundred-weight, down three percent from the 2021 crop. Harvested area, at 911,400 acres, was down one percent from 2021. The average yield of 438 hundred-weight per acre was down six hundred-weight from the previous year. The value of all potatoes sold in 2022, at $4.80 billion, increased 23 percent from the previous year. The average price, at $12.90 per hundred-weight, was up $2.70 from 2021. The quantity of potatoes sold from the 2022 crop totaled 373 million hundred-weight, down three percent from 2021. Potatoes used for chips increased three percent, while frozen French fries utilization dropped one percent, and dehydrated potatoes fell seven percent.