(NAFB.com) – The National Association of Wheat Growers completed the second part of its 2023 summer Farm Bill Fly-Ins. The first round of visits to Capitol Hill took place in July. During the visit, wheat growers from across the country reinforced the association’s core priorities and underscored the need for Congress to work together to ensure farmers can continue providing safe and affordable food for everyone. Last week, growers from 14 states met with their delegations, staff from each Ag Committee, and Congressional leadership to continue educating lawmakers and advocating for an effective farm safety net. The group’s priorities include working to strengthen Title 1 and crop insurance to better protect farmers. They want support for financial and technical assistance through voluntary conservation cost-share programs for producers in all climates and regions. They’re also encouraging additional investment in agricultural trade promotions and U.S. commodities as part of the farm bill’s trade title.