(NAFB.com) – The USDA is awarding approximately $6.5 million to 22 organizations to educate underserved, small-scale, and organic producers on-farm risk management and climate-smart farm practices. The funding from the Risk Management Agency provides assistance through its Risk Management Education partnerships for organizations like non-profits and land grant universities. “This funding and these partnerships are integral to our outreach efforts in communities that historically have not had access to training about risk management options,” says RMA Administrator Marcia Bunger. “As a farmer, I know first-hand that agriculture is a risky business.” She also says because of that risk, the agency is determined to work with growers and livestock producers to provide them with training and resources about risk management options and how to apply them to their farming businesses. RMA first advertised the available funds in January, and this year’s recipients include nonprofits, historically black colleges, and university extensions, among others.