Carrington, N.D. (NewsDakota.com)—-Kelsie Belquist had a match high 26 kills to help lead New Rockford-Sheyenne (NRS) to a 3-1 (29-27, 12-25, 25-21, 26-24) victory over Carrington. Ava Peterson (9 kills) and Lora Wobbema (7 kills) aided the Rockets victory. Carrington was paced by Madison Johnson’s 15 kills, Isabel Wendel 11 kills, and Harper Kollman with 10 kills. NRS improved to 3-1 and Carrington dropped to 3-2 on the season. Carrington will travel to LaMoure next Tuesday for a District 5 matchup with the Loboes of LaMoure-Litchville-Marion.