JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDFU) – North Dakota Farmers Union (NDFU) will launch Empower You! on Sept. 30 at the historic schoolhouse in Nome, N.D. The yearlong Women in Leadership Development (WILD) program will be facilitated by Heather McDougall, a national speaker, entrepreneur and filmmaker.
“Our goal is to tap into every participant’s zone of genius and have them experience the power of a dream come alive when backed by a room full of empowered women leaders,” said McDougall.
The program consists of the kickoff event in Nome from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., a series of six Zoom sessions throughout the year and fun “meet-up” group events that will be held in various locations around the state.
Cost is $30 to participate. To register for the agenda, go to WILDEmpowerYou.eventbrite.com. Anyone unable to make the kickoff event can still participate in the Zoom sessions and group meet-ups by contacting Jane Opdahl at jopdahl@ndfu.org.