VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The 4th phase of the permanent flood protection project in Valley City is on hold as the city works with FEMA to complete a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for the full build out of the permanent flood protection system.
KLJ Engineer Chad Petersen told the city commission the river modeling is evaluating any changes that have been completed since the last Flood Insurance Study, approved in 2008. This includes looking at bridges that have been replaced as well as the completion of Phases 1-3 of Permanent Flood Protection.
He said pending approval of the permanent flood protection (CLOMR) mapping and the final design of permanent flood protection including the permitting process, bids could be let in 2024 or early 2025.
The Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will identify any changes to the base flood elevation because of the completed flood protection system and any mitigation required because of impacts to structures.
Valley City residents who received letters concerning (CLOMR) mapping should follow the directions in the letter, if you have questions call city hall.
Petersen told the city about the cost share ratios associated with these projects. FEMA buyouts continue to be a 75-25 cost share, engineering design is an 85-15 ratio, and permanent flood protection construction is an 80-20 cost share ratio.
Peterson said the Mill Dam project is also tied into the 4th phase of permanent flood protection for the city of Valley City.
The full presentation is below.