VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – This Saturday, August 5, Valley City hosts its annual Sheyenne RiverFest which is the Sheyenne River Valley’s largest water festival. The event will headquarter in Chautauqua Park where there will be, classes and games along with craft and food vendors. Over 120 vessels are expected to float leisurely down the river which, thanks to the USACE, the river will be at optimum depth & flow. There appears to be a little something for the whole family to enjoy. For further information, see: www.vcparks.com. Thanks to all who are facilitating the Sheyenne RiverFest Event.
Doctors recommend we exercise for good physical and mental health. With our recent nice weather and fresh air, get out and do whatever exercise you can. If you are physically challenged, I know some people who hopped on our Trolley and toured Valley City. That said it was fun!
Please be careful. There is much construction around town so what use to be simple routes have become challenging mazes. Please respect signs and barriers as they are for your protection. The other day some of us observed a blue four-wheeler with what appeared to be an adult driver and a youth passenger go through the construction site by Leevers creating a cloud of dust & go partially airborne coming out of the site. To the adult, “Shame on you.”
Last week you probably received an e-mail from Joy at Public Works offering some convenient payment options for you. The e-mail is legitimate, so check with the office to see if they may be for you.
With the extreme heat this summer, “peak demands” must be met to keep your air conditioners running. MRES manages flexible power sources like hydro, coal & nuclear to meet peak demands when intermittent sources like wind & solar fall behind.
“Old Cowboy Logic, Wrinkles mean you laughed, Grey hair means you cared and Scars mean you lived.” ~ Pinterest
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City