JAMESTOWN, ND (Chamber) – Members of the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and Young Professionals held a ribbon cutting ceremony with SMP Health – Ave Maria to celebrate the completion of their
kitchen renovation project.
The kitchen renovation project helps replace equipment and more that has been used for nearly 60 years. The new kitchen layout, improvements, and equipment will help staff serve and prepare upwards of 150,000 meals a year. The newly finished project will allow staff to continue providing excellent care for their clients for years to come. SMP Health – Ave Maria is located at 501 19 th St. NE and can be reached by calling 701-252-5660 or visit smphealth.org/avemaria.
For more information about ribbon cuttings, contact Emily Bivens by emailing: director@jamestownchamber.com or call the chamber at 701-252-4830.